sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Good Bye Judy!

During the easter break, our friend Judy, the kid's horseback-riding instructor, became very ill.
The kids and I decided to go and help out at her farm while she was at the hospital and so we went and took some of the horses out for a walk and groomed them.

It was sad for Santiago to hear that Judy was sick and to find out that she had been battling cancer for a while. He did not know this since she never complained and was always in good spirits and with a smile on her face.

I loved watching him care for the horse, grooming her and being so very careful with her bold spots.  She is an old horse and has skin issues.

 Then he came and helped me out with my horse since I don't know as much about horses as he does. He showed me how to clean their feet.   

Daniel drew this picture for her and from what we heard from her daughter, she had it up on her wall at the intensive care unit for the time she was there. 
We like to think that it made her feel loved to look at this picture, not just from Daniel, but from all the children that benefited so much from being around her.  

Sadly, Judy died in the hospital that week after Easter and we all felt very sad.
She will be greatly missed by all the people she touched with her loving presence.
Judy, we love you and we will always remember you.

We feel very grateful and honored to have met you for the short time that we did.  You were a courageous  strong and amazing role model for all of us.  Rest in Peace sweet lady!

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