martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Autumn 2012

My nice red rosy apple has a secret midst unseen;
You’d see if you could slip inside,
five rooms so neat and clean.
In each room there are hiding
two seeds so shining bright;
Asleep they are and dreaming
of a lovely warm sunlight.
And sometimes they are dreaming
of many things to be
How some day they’ll be hanging
upon a Christmas tree

This year, we went to Apple Hill after many years...we were all so excited to get the apples right off the trees, and then we ate apple pie!!! Jose's favorite part!!

With autumn, came one of my favorite times of the year. Our house is surrounded by decicious trees that glow from every window. With it, came lots of chores for the children and Santiago this year is saving for a horse, so he's earned a bit of money just sweeping the deck and raking leaves outside! Daniel does it for fun so far, he's not so interested in money just yet thank God!

In our property, we have a fairy ring of redwoods, and once the kids figured out how to climb them, there was no stopping them. It must be an incredible feeling to be so high up on top of the world!!

I love the fact that they feel at home on top of a tree, in nature, back in the arms of the Great Mother!

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